April Monthly Mojo Challenges – Scraplift & Color

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Each month, the designers and PBP’s Creative Team create some unique and fun challenges to get your mojo flowing. Come and play along with our Monthly Mojo Challenges – get lots of pages done, download freebies and earn prizes!


Here’s a look at two of the challenges you can participate in this month:


Scraplift Challenge

PBP CT Member Flo (a.k.a. Flo06nice) is hosting the Scraplift Challenge this month. The challenge is to create a layout using another person’s layout as inspriation! But there’s a catch, the layout you will scraplift is chosen by another participant. This is a fast moving challenge, so be sure you can commit to getting your layout created quickly to keep the challenge from stalling out. Here’s Flo’s layout:

Layout by Flo06nice – PBP CT

Color Challenge

PBP Designer Mariella of Laitha Art Studio is hosting the Color Challenge this month. The challenge is to create a layout with a romantic photo using 3 OR MORE COLORS from the palette chosen, AND using a PHOTO MASK! Here’s an example layout:

Layout by Alanna

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