March Berry BiG Deals!

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The designers have a fabulous variety of new designs for you!

Just as a reminder, this is how BBD works:

  • Each month, the designers are given THREE COLORS that they must use in their designs!
  • Each designer chooses THREE COLORS that THEY want to add to the palette!
  • Designers Create four or eight products that are bundled together and sold in our Berry BiG Deal Bundles (prices are either $4 or $8, depending on the number of products…but that still makes the packs just $1 each!)
  • Individual Packs are all available at a discount of 50%!

Berry BiG Deals provides you more variety, a better look at each designer’s style and the same great prices! Take a look…then head to the shop to fill up your cart!

You’ll notice the three common colors in all of the collections. But, you’ll also see each designers’ personality come out in the additional colors that they chose! There’s enough “common ground” on the designs that you could easily mix & match if you choose. But, each collection is also unique and fabulous on its own!

We’d show you all the products available, but that post would take all day, so head on over to the shop & check them out!

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