Monday Mojo
Happy April! We have a new round of challenges for you this month! If you earned any Perks last month, you can now find your awards in your Inbox on the forum, so be sure to check that out 🙂
I can’t show you what’s in this month’s Mystery Box – that takes away the “MYSTERY” aspect of it, lol, but I’ve seen what’s inside, and we can’t wait to see what you do with it! So head on over and check that out….

This month we also have a Big Title challenge, hosted by Glori2, and she wants you to create a “see-through” title, among some other requirements… it looks fun!

Here’s a little reminder about how our challenge Perks work:
Finish 3 challenges = 10% off coupon
Finish 6 challenges = 20% off coupon
Finish 9 challenges = 30% off coupon + Mojo Perks Bundle PLUS,
participants that complete 9-10 challenges will be put into a drawing to win a $10 Gift Certificate to the shop. (The drawing will be held on the first of the following month.)
Here’s our GORGEOUS Mojo Perks Mini Bundle for this month! Be sure to complete at least NINE challenges this month so you get it free and will be all set for our next Playing with Perks Challenge!
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