Thursday Threedom

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I look forward to our weekends with a purple passion, because it means spending time with the family and getting in some good entertainment. I really enjoy the down time from work and life, so there are very few Friday nights that we don’t watch something together – well, as together as we can with some of them working oddball hours. Plus, I loooooove popcorn, and it’s the only time I allow myself it’s crunchy, buttery goodness ♥

The last 3 movies my family has seen: Aquaman, The Crimes of Grindelwald, and Mortal Engines. The kids and I really enjoyed all 3 of these. The husband walked away from The Crimes of Grindelwald… it was not his cup of tea, lol

The next 3 movies we all want to see: Bumblebee, Bad Times at the El Royale, and Incredibles 2 (of course! we’ve only waited, what… 14, 15 years?).

Favorite 3 TV shows right now? I’m binging all of Game of Thrones (again!) so I’ll be ready for the start of the final season this weekend! I loved the Umbrella Academy, and I talked the husband into watching Firefly. I know it’s old, but it’s still good. We’re going to watch Serenity after 😉

What are you watching right now? I’m always on the look out for awesome stuff to watch… and the kids and I obviously have a favorite genre 😉 Pull me out of my box and tell me what to binge on next!

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