Tutorial Tuesday: Gift Card Holder
Hello everyone!!! It’s Tanya, here to show you how to create a gift card holder. My niece is graduating High School and I thought it would be fun to make her a gift card holder. She has been in gifted art since she started kindergarten…..so I thought it would be fun to use, Painted With Dreams by Jumpstart Design
What a beautiful kit. She loves art, so this is perfect for her gift card.
I used my silhouette cameo to create this project. The cut file came from Silhouette America.
{added note – there are plenty of places on the internet you can get a free gift card holder template from! just google if you don’t have one in your stash}
The first thing to do is to drag the images from the folder it is saved to on your computer to the work space. Continue to do this until you have all the images you want to work with, you can go back any time to add more.
The next step is to arrange your elements until you get the look you want.
For the paper I wanted to use, I dragged it from the folder to the gift card file. I then added the elements to the top. The next step would be to print this out.
After printing, you will add to mat and send through the Cameo.
I used double sided tape to put the crease together.
I forgot to buy a gift card so I decided just to send money. I pray she gets it and it doesn’t get lost in the mail.
I hope that you like this project and will be encouraged to do a hybrid craft with your digital stash.
Hugs, Tanya
Mayumi said...
on April 30th, 2019 at 8:20 am
Tanya, Loved This! Never would have thought of it! Thank you !
Tanya said...
on May 2nd, 2019 at 5:43 pm
Thanks Mayumi!! I love hybrid and you can do SOOOOOOO many things with digital kits.