One Word Wednesday
I could sit for hours in our gallery, just drooling over the pages and wishing I had half as much talent as some of our scrappers. The one thing that has caught my eye lately is 1 word titles… the bigger the better, but little ones are good, too. They just seem to reach up and snag me and scream LOOK AT ME NOW! So I do. I’m a good listener, hehehe. Here are a few pages that screamed at me this week!
The big “OUCH!” title on Mary-Lynne‘s page caught my eye immediately. The black lettering is the perfect complement on her page. I just love the cute little things going on across the main focus of the page, too, and the fun sequence of photos!
The title on sltppr‘s page is a bit more subtle, but the font is pretty and complements the rest of the page well, especially color-wise. Her clusters are gorgeous, and I love the paint on the wood background
The black paint, chevrons and stripes floating throughout the page balance out the “snapshot” title perfectly on this layout by Tina1978.
Scrappie Irene used a word strip for her title. This page is so pretty, a huge title would just wreak all kinds of havoc. It was a good choice! Between her pretty clusters, blended photo, word strip and adorable photo subject, the eye flows nicely across and around the page
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