Tuck Away Thursday

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School is coming to an end for many of our kids here in the southern US. I always look forward to the end of the school year, and I enjoy it…….. for about a week. Maybe two, if I’m totally lucky. After the first or second week of ‘summer vacation’, the kids are all bored and crawling into my bubble of personal space that I worked so hard on building during the school year, lol. Their ability to self-entertain only goes so far, it seems. This summer is going to be a little different for me and my kids – 2 have graduated high school and have actual jobs to go to almost on a daily basis. The youngest is finishing his sophomore year this month, and while I’ve been building my glorious bubble of personal space, he’s been building his glorious circle of friends. This is good because they all live close and some have POOLS. “Can I go swimming with my friends?” Bye, Felicia. LOL! I know this will not be the case for other Moms who will be having their own personal space bubbles broken this summer, so how about a few fun projects that you can tuck away into your “my-kids-need-something-to-do-before-I-lose-my-mind” arsenal?

Up first… DIY Mason Jar Aquarium:

No, you do not need real fish for this little project, lol. You can find most if not all of these supplies in a Dollar Tree store… and it doesn’t even have to be an aquarium. You could let your child build a little terrarium instead. Or even these pop bottle aquariums with little balloon fish:

Snow globe aquarium? Fun!

How about an edible aquarium… yummmm.

And to keep the kiddos cool this summer, check out this Shark Drink!

And this copycat Sonic Ocean Water

Feel free to use sugar-free substitutes so the kiddos don’t lose THEIR minds, lol!

To help the adults keep what’s left of their hair, and their sanity, there is the Deep Blue Sea:

Or this Blue Hawaiian Cocktail (I think this one just went on my to-make list, just because, lol!)

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