Lol, well right now I don’t have much PLAY time. But when I do, WORDSTACKS is my game of choice on my phone, Rumikub is ALWAYS our go to board game….and if it were warm outside, my favorite “play time” activity is riding my cute lime and blue cruiser bike. That’s still a little tough to do with all of the snow on the ground 😛 ~ Fayette
admin said...
on January 30th, 2020 at 10:13 am
Lol, well right now I don’t have much PLAY time. But when I do, WORDSTACKS is my game of choice on my phone, Rumikub is ALWAYS our go to board game….and if it were warm outside, my favorite “play time” activity is riding my cute lime and blue cruiser bike. That’s still a little tough to do with all of the snow on the ground 😛 ~ Fayette