Our Gal Friday

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We’re excited to introduce you to a new promo here at PBP that will help you get to know our designers, creative team members and some of the scrappers in our community! This is a little extension of our blog series about Our Gal Friday 🙂  It will also give you a chance to save in the featured designer’s shop! Read on to meet this year’s first . . .


SiMPLETTE (Nathalie)

We’re happy to introduce the first Our Gal Friday to you! Simplette (Nathalie) lives in the south of France with her hubby and sons. She’s a busy wife and “basketball mom.” She also works in the visual communication and publishing field, so her move to digi designing was a natural one! We’re thrilled that you can find her designs EXCLUSIVELY at Pickleberrypop!


Paris by Night by Simplette at Pickleberrypop


Simplette has created a brand new EXCLUSIVE product for you!

This mini add on kit coordinates with her new Paris by Night collection!

Get it while it’s on sale – it’s the perfect time to try her products if you haven’t already! 


1. What is your favorite color (or color combination) that you just love to design with?
I like colors, all colors. If I had to choose only one I would not know what to do … My world is colorful, my dinnerware are all colors, my glasses, my cutlery, too!! I like the mix, the mixture in all its forms. The colors are there to be together, to vibrate differently when we put them or oppose them to other colors. I can’t say that I prefer one color to another, I like all colors!
2. Do you work outside the home?

I don’t work outside the home. From their early age, I teach my two boys at home. When they became a little more independent, I decided to take over a business and therefore I created my graphic design business. In addition to the creation of digital scrapbooking kits and collections, I work with companies and associations to produce their business cards, posters, and sometimes their websites. So I always work from home. My youngest will soon be 15 and is still schooled at home. Organization is the key word in my life as a mom and a business manager.
3. What was the last gift you gave someone?

We just had Christmas so I could tell you about what I offered to my loved ones, but I prefer to tell you another story … Last year, my best friend found herself alone, isolated from her family for a long time, then, to cover her with a little tenderness and sweetness every day, I decided to make her an advent calendar. I made small fabric pouches that I filled with delicacies, tea, wellness products, funny activities, little positive phrases to read every day. So, every day, she opened this little present filled with joy. There was no valuable gift or thing inside that she could keep in real, but that feeling and sharing tied us even
stronger for always.
4. What would your autobiography be called?

It could be “The Adventures of Géo Trouvetou” (the french name for Gyro Gearloose). I am the queen of resourcefulness, I always find solutions, the queen of simplification. My friends are counting on me to find the way to overcome the little daily hassles: tinkering with a little thing that we wouldn’t have thought of, heating the coffee with candles when we run out of gas, finding the solution to a problem that seems insurmountable, improvising a meal for everyone, making a cake with three times nothing, simplify everyday life…
5. Where would you go in a time machine?

I think my answer will seem strange to you but I would stay today and now. My life course has been quite complicated and eventful but I love the person I am today and I am the result of my past, for nothing in the world I will change a comma.





Shop PU
Shop CU


Kay lives in New Mexico in the US and is one of our Creative Team Members. She’s been hanging around with us since 2012 and has avidly been creating for us for several years now. We truly love having her sweet self on our team!

Click here to see all of Kay’s work!


Q & A

1. If you had a choice between two superpowers, being invisible or flying, which would you choose?
I would love to fly… I have dreamed about flying and it was wonderful.

2. Are you married? With or without kids?

I was married to my hubby for 62 years and have been widowed for 2 years. We have 5 grown children, grandchildren, and great-grands.

3. You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

Purple Passion – I am a Red Hatter and love purple. I have closet filled with purple clothes.

4. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?

I play music and sing along with them.

5. What would your autobiography be called?

Strong Through The Years




BCGAL00 (Rae)

Rae is one of our fabulous forum members. She has a blend of artsy and traditional styles. Living on the west coast of BC Canada, she is a former photographer and now enjoys her labradoodle, Taz, as well as taking photos of wildlife, nature, landscape and food… and, of course, scrapping!  Click here to see all of Rae’s work!


1. What would your perfect vacation entail? 

Somewhere I’ve never been, like on an African Safari. I’d have my camera equipment with me and have unlimited time to explore and photograph the wildlife and landscape. It’s been a dream of mine for many years to go some day, maybe when I retire I’ll get a chance to.

2. What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?

I tried to get into the wrong car after shopping at a mall. The door must have been unlocked as my key fob shouldn’t have worked but when I pulled the door handle it opened. I sat inside, put my packages down on the passenger seat and looked around, puzzled as to why there were items in my car that weren’t mine, like sunglasses. Then I realized I wasn’t driving my little red Optra that day, I was driving my hubs’ van. I quickly got out and thankfully the owner didn’t catch me in their car.

3. Describe your life using film titles.

Home Alone – I work at home (alone during the day except for Taz)

Absolutely Fabulous – because I say both of those words way more than I probably should.

Rear Window – because I’m always looking out the rear window of our kitchen and if I see the birds and squirrels I go running out with my camera (usually I take over 500 pics/month).

4. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask? 

I’m a sci-fi addict, I would love to know if there are any alternate universes out there. That fascinates me.

5. If you could compare yourself with any animal, which would it be and why? 

I think my labradoodle, Taz, and I are very alike in personality. He can go running around at warp speed and then suddenly konk out, needing a rest (that is just like me) and we both have an innate curiousity about the world around us and we’re always out exploring together. Also, we are both picky eaters, born out of food intolerances and we both eat very clean diets, no gluten, no sugar and (almost) no junk food.



We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about these lovely ladies and seeing their work!  Don’t forget to shop the Designer’s 30% off sale… we know you’ll love her products!  Our members do 😉  Have a great day!

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