Thursday Threedom

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Happy Thursday, Scrappers. I hope you’ve had a great week so far! As I was trying to decide what to include in today’s post, I found that today is National Proofreading Day! Talk about a party, huh? 😉

I don’t know about you, but I used to really hate seeing those red marks on my papers in school. I used to be so careful, but I’ll admit…the digital age has made me a little more careless than I should be! I need to do more proofreading, especially when I’m texting! It never fails…I send a message and THEN I find a typo. Sometimes I’m even blind to the little red squiggly lines that spellcheck throws at us. It drives me nuts…but not nearly as nuts as finding a typo on a layout that I’ve published.

Now follow me here so you can see where my brain when when I started this post *grin* In order to find or prevent typos on layouts, you have to include words on them (so you can PROOFREAD them). The words might be in the form of a word art design or title, song lyrics, a quote, or *gasp* even something from your heart! Yup, that’s a HINT 🙂 And yes, I know this would have been better as a Wordy Wednesday post, but hey, the holiday is on a Thursday, so we’re going with that 😛

So, for today’s Thursday Threedom Post, I thought I’d show you three layouts that include fabulous words in a variety of styles. Without the beautiful words/journaling, the stories would never be known or remembered…and you wouldn’t have any need for PROOFREADING!

This layout by lbrtychic is poignant, beautiful, and really comes from the heart. I love how she incorporated word art into her journaling!

This layout by cyranoscrap uses Heather T’s new BuJo products – I LOVE how it documents the daily activities. Heather’s titles make the page feel cohesive, and the journaling will forever preserve this family’s week. What a fabulous page!

Julie/Mother Bear has a real knack for finding just the right quote, poem or song lyrics for her pages, and this one is no exception. She’s used one of the gorgeous word art designs to get convey her message of “miracles”. It’s so beautiful the way she’s colored and dropped the opactity to retain the soft feel of the page. I love the extra words she put in and around her clusters.

So, take the plunge. On your next layout include more words than usual…and hey, if you’re really brave, include a little personal journaling 🙂 I’m sure you could find someone to celebrate National Proofreading Day by proofreading it for you!

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