Thrifty Thursday: Quarantine Edition
With non-essentials shut down, a LOT of us are stuck without hair salons, barbershops, and nail salons. Here’s what not to do: Don’t cut your own hair unless you’ve already been doing it for years and are pretty good at it. And for pete’s sake, don’t let your kid cut it for you. Why? Why would you let your child, who you’ve been bossing around for at least a few years, cut your hair? Can you say “revenge” much? Or your ‘other half’ – girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife… y’all are stuck at home together, seeing each other’s ugly sides, so you’re going to give the scissors or clippers to somebody who’s irritated with you? Yea. No thanks.

This guy let his 5yr old cut his hair.

I guess this Dad has been a lot nicer to his kid… he didn’t do TOO badly

This guy’s hair wasn’t even that bad to begin with


Bowl cuts seem to be the current fashion

Apparently women are a little bit smarter than the men are during this quarantine, and riding it out until the hair salons open (smart move ladies!). Bangs seem to be making a come back tho… and there are plenty of places online to “learn” how to cut them if you’re that desperate to get that hair outyoface like this girl did

See? She stayed pretty 🙂 Before I moved here to Madison, I cut my own hair… my favorite is “The Twist”, which is easy. My hair dresser here even recommended it if I just had to have it done and she wasn’t available (little did she know!). Click here for a quick how to (there’s a men’s haircut how to as well). If you CAN hold out, I recommend holding out until the salons open back up again. I’m sure many of them will desperately want your business!
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