Wordy Wednesday

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Wordy Wednesday! It’s “Repeat Day”. How many of you are parents? How many of you are parents and have had to repeat yourselves … for like years? *Raises hand* I even find myself repeating things to our animals. Sigh. I guess that’s just part of the great circle of life, right? I’ve toyed with the idea of carrying a tape recorder around with the word “no” on repeat, just to save myself some oxygen, but then I realized the kids would probably want to play with it, so that idea went out the window 😛 I tried turning the tables on the kids, too. That ended badly. Every time they said something, I asked “Why?”. I would get an explanation, and ask “why?” again. Yea that ended in temper tantrums. Fun stuff, LOL! I just don’t get why anything has to be said more than once? Can anyone help me out here?

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