Thursday Threedom

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Almost every day I’m in the gallery, checking out the latest and greatest pages that our members, designers and creative team members have uploaded to show off and share. I’m in awe every single time. The talent here on our humble little site is just fantastic! Here are 3 galleries that stood out to me this week… and by no means were these the ONLY galleries that stood out – but it is Thursday THREEdom after all 😉

Grażyna Wrzask

Grazyna has absolutely no problem flipping between different styles – artsy, traditional, minimalistic, you name it, she can scrap it – and scrap it beautifully! Her versatility is just amazing.

Smell The Flowers


This lady caught my attention with her fantastic journaling that I’m totally jealous of. I especially love this page where she shares her struggle with her own body image. I mean, don’t we all at some point? But how many of us have the guts to write about it and SHARE? I love that she does and has inspired me to do the same in future pages. Life isn’t always unicorns and rainbows, and I think we need to be reminded of that from time to time.

Yes Girl!

Ana Santos

Ana has somewhat of a painterly touch in most of her layouts that speaks to my little artist heart, and her blending is fabulous! If you need a pick me up, visit her gallery – you’ll have a smile on your face in no time at all!


I could go on for days, so it’s a good thing it’s Thursday, when the limit is 3, lol. Who are YOUR favorites? Who’s pages inspire you the most?

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