Our Gal Friday! Meet Erika, Susan, and Ruth! July 17-19, 2020

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We’re excited to bring the next Our Gal Friday Promo to your inbox! We have expanded on our blog series, and hope you will enjoy it 🙂 It will help you get to know our designers better also give you a chance to save in the featured designer’s shop! You’ll also meet one of our Creative Team members, and one of our amazing community members! Read on to meet this month’s . . .


ET DESiGNS (Erika)

My name is Erika, I am 42 years old, born in Slovakia. I have been living with my family in Prague in the Czech Republic for about 13 years. I love the sea, traveling, books, fashion and photography. I try to spend my time actively, so I do a lot of sports, running, and fitness, and I am interested in a healthy lifestyle. However, it is not easy to practice LOL because I really love good food. I like to bake, and I never refuse good wine or a good mixed drink. 🙂 I have one son, Tim, and two beautiful adult step daughters. I’ve been digital scrapbooking since 2008, and I still love it.



Erika has created a brand new collection just for this event!  Get Beach Therapy at 52% off, plus get the coordinating Alpha pack FREE!


What is your favorite color (or color combination) that you just love to design with?

I love rich colors, but I probably use blue, purple and green the most.

What would your perfect vacation entail?

I love the sea, because I was born and live inland, my dream vacation is to be able to run around the beach every morning and in the evening go to a good dinner to local restaurant with a drink in my hand and listen to the sound of the sea.

What would your perfect Saturday be like?

I’d like go on some trip with my family to the mountains or discover new places. In general, I like to spend my free time actively.

What’s your favorite thing to design?

Definitely flowers and nature, I am the floral type.

Where would you go in a time machine?

I would definitely go back to the Mesozoic period, I have always been fascinated by dinosaurs. Seeing it with my own eyes would be something amazing. But only for one day LOL





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SUSAN-3JS (Susan)

How do you talk about yourself when you are painfully shy? It’s hard and hard to know what people find interesting. So…In 2 ½ years when my youngest child – of 2 – graduates from university, I shall be the retired Mom of 2 grown and wonderful boys. Yes, I’m an old Mom. I got started late in life for childbearing! I spent 7 years in the US Army in my younger days, worked for FedEx for 10 years, in the ministry for 11 years, and now work for a regional state university. I have been a scrapbooker for more than 20 years, digitally for most of that time.

Click here to see all of Susan’s work!


You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant? 

Decorate it.

Do you work outside the home? 

I work full time outside home – except we have been working at home because of COVID.

What would your perfect vacation entail? 

A cruise around the world followed by an extensive stay in England.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you? 

As unofficial Deputy Bandmaster – I was too young at 16 – for The Salvation Army Explorer Post 4 band (the first Explorer Post to officially include girls in the US), we provided dinner music for the Boy Scout annual dinner. My baton had been left behind and I had to use the Bandmaster’s which was almost twice the length of mine. I signaled instruments up and raised the baton for the downbeat. I will never know why she chose to do so, but a woman walked behind me just as the brought that baton up and forward. It sent her wig flying into the tuba! Needless to say, instead of a beautiful sound, that startled tuba player sounded like a bleating goat! She fished her wig out, put it on, flashed us a big beautiful smile and carried on. I blushed as red as my tunic and prayed the floor would swallow me. It didn’t, so we soldiered on and the music was beautiful. Later that year at territorial band institute I learned the song “Never Mind, Go On!” It had a special meaning for me! It wasn’t funny then but is hilarious now.

Do you have any pets? 

We are owned by three outside cats and one inside cat, an unusual water turtle that looks like a dinosaur from “Land Before Time” when he comes up for air or swims around, and a corn snake. We live in the country so cats are necessary to keep the vermin at bay. This is the fewest animals we’ve had since we moved here 14 years ago.




Tedasgram (Ruth)

Hello everyone! I am so happy to be here. I am a more traditional scrapper but I find myself getting more creative the longer I have been scrapping. The challenges in the PBP Forum and the amazing Gallery, provide me with creative ideas. I’ve been digital scrapping for about 15 years now. I have two grown children and have been blessed with two granddaughters and a grandson. They are the ones that fill my pages about 99% of the time. I live in Southern Ontario, Canada and joined the ranks of the retired on January 2020. Surprisingly, it took a couple of months of adjustment to this new life, then the world turned upside down.

Click here to see all of Ruth’s work!


What is your favorite color (or color combination) that you just love to scrap with?

My favorite color is red, and I just LOVE the red, navy and white combination. I guess I should have been an American LOL

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

The first thing that comes to mind is my laptop with my scrap program and stash. But without internet to shop, do challenges and visit this wonderful community of friends I’ve made, from all over the world, it doesn’t seem practical. So I would have to say I would need my tea bags and my kindle filled with books!

What would your perfect vacation entail?

Oooh, this is an easy one because I had this vacation eight years ago. I can honestly say it was my only real vacation. An all inclusive, 5 star resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, were you don’t have to think about what to cook for dinner, no bed to make, no responsibilities, just sun and relaxing all day long! Any vacation up to that point had been camping, anyone that camps knows it is a lot of work, though lots of fun it isn’t as relaxing as a 5 star resort!!

What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?

My mind is often all over the place, I have to pay attention to why I’m out in the first place or heaven knows where I will end up LOL. If I am on a highway drive to see two of my grandchildren, then I make mental notes of all the things I need to do when I return home. I listen to music then to keep my mind away from all the things I need to do when I get home. (smile)

Do you have any pets?

I have a cat and named him O’Malley. He was estimated, by the vet, to be 5 weeks old. O’Malley became my baby and constant companion. It was a surprise to me because I never had interest in owning a cat. A year ago I had to move to an apartment were pets weren’t allowed. It was devastating for me! My son in law gave in because I was a basket case, and allowed me to leave my baby with them (they already had 3 cats & a lab). I can visit and get my loving, he turned 10 years old on July 13 th (I gave him my birth date because it was close to when he could have been born.)



We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about these lovely ladies and seeing their work!  Don’t forget to shop the Designer’s 30% off sale… we know you’ll love her products!  Our members do 😉  Have a great day!

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