Wordy Wednesday

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Hello our wonderful scrappers! I’m here with another Wordy Wednesday Post. We often choose a “weird holiday” to focus our Wordy Wednesday post on. There were a few options, but I finally settled on National Dog Day. Now, if you know me at all, you know that I’m not a dog person. In fact, I’m terrified of almost all dogs (Lol, yes, I’ve gotten over my fear with my kids’ dogs for the most part, but I still don’t like the slobber or the hair *gag*…but I digress.) So, I thought I’d tell you one story about a time when I actually bonded with one of our four-legged friends.

At Christmas time, before our kids all had families of their own, they would all come home and spend the night at our home on Christmas Eve. My kids know I’m not a dog person, and don’t want a dog running around in the house (I know…shoot me!) Anyway, my son, Jake, had a boxer named Kim that he didn’t want to leave home. So, with some conditions, he brought Kim up with him, and made a bed for her out in our garage.

Late at night, everyone was sleeping, “Santa” had finished filling all of the stockings, and I was enjoying the magic of the moment, watching the lights and thinking about the coming day. That magic didn’t last long because from the garage I heard what can only be described as Kim “crying”. I went out to the garage, sat on the step beside Kim’s bed, and just like a toddler, she put her front feet on my shoulders. In the middle of me trying to reconcile what was going on, she then put her head on my shoulder like she was asking for some comfort because she was scared in this strange place. So, I put my big girl panties on and did my best to console her (yeah…it was a little awkward, but I tried really hard, stroked her back and everything!) I really couldn’t believe it, and when I told my family about it the next morning, they couldn’t believe it either. Lol, they called it a Christmas Miracle. *rude* Ok…so maybe it was a miracle, but hey, at least it gave me a dog story that I could share with you on National Dog Day 😛

Oh, and just so you know, Kim didn’t remember our bonding moment as long as I have. She growls at me when I get out of the car at my son’s home. Again…rude 😛 She’s a great guard dog, but seriously, I consoled her! I know, it’s going to take more than just one bonding moment. *sigh*

For those of you that have fur babies that you love, I thought I’d share a few kits that you could use to scrap about their antics and even those gentle moments like I experienced. So, enjoy the images below, then click on each one to head to the shop to pick them up!

So there you have it…some dog themed designs and even a set of templates to get you started. Of course, you can scrap about your fur babies with any collection, but these have a little extra puppy personality. Head to the shop to grab these designs that you haven’t added to your stash yet and scrap those puppy pages!

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