Monday Mojo

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Welcome to another edition of Monday Mojo! Our challenges have been in full swing for several weeks now, so I hope you’re making progress on your tracking posts 🙂 There are only a few days left to complete your layouts for credit!

One of my favorite challenges that we have here is the photography challenge! This one can really push you outside of your comfort zone, but you can get some amazing shots!

Bella 3rd B'day

Check this layout from LidiaG! How fun is that!


Our style challenge is a fun one this month – split your layout in half and use 2 different kits, 1 for each half!

The results so far have been AH-mazing! I think this layout from RJMJ might be my favorite in the thread right now!


Last, but certainly not least, is our Playing with Perks challenge. If you completed 9 challenges in September, you earned a free copy of this kit 😀

September 2020 Mojo Perks Mini Bundle

The layouts are gorgeous!

By The River

SO head on over, get those last challenge layouts done up and loaded so we can give you our October Mojo Perks Mini Bundle!

Happy Scrapping!

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