Get Ready For A Weekend With…

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As we head into the last weekend of January, we’re bringing you our first featured designer spotlight of 2022! We’ve changed it up a little bit this year so that you can learn even more about our designers and get fabulous deals! So, grab your favorite beverage, have a seat, and spend some time with our first designer during…


Fayette Terlouw

Kicking off our 2022 AWW Featured Designer Event is the owner of PBP, Fayette Terlouw. Fayette lives in Northern Utah in the US with her hubby, Kees. She has three grown kids and 12 grandkids! Running PBP & designing is her full-time job, so between family and work, she keeps busy! We’re thrilled that you can find her designs EXCLUSIVELY at Pickleberrypop! We hope you’ll enjoy A Weekend With Fayette during her sale!


Love is meant to be shared, and when given the energy and attention it deserves, love grows. As with many of my designs, I injected some humor into this collection that will help you create layouts about the people that you love, and just how much you love them!

Get the I Love You More Bundle while it’s on sale this weekend!

Free with $10 Purchase

Get this set of Foundations when you spend $10 in one order on anything in Fayette’s Personal and/or Commercial use shops!


Enjoy these beautiful layouts from Fayette’s CT Created with I Love You More!


SHE•RO Bundle

We all have strong women in our lives, and we want to encourge younger girls to grow up to be strong women. So, use this SHE-RO digital scrapbooking collection to encourage and scrap about that strength. There’s a fantastic mix of comic, traditional and artsy designs in the collection. So, no matter what your choice of style is, you’ll find something to love in this collection.

We Rise Bundle

In a time when the world seems far too negative, I think it’s time for us to be kind. We need to build up and lift up those around us. That’s what We Rise is all about – lifting others, being kind and choosing happiness in a world filled with hatred and unrest. I’m not trying to make a political statement with this kit. I just hope that through scrapping we can encourage others to love, forget labels and just be a good human.

To see the rest of Fayette’s products, hit the buttons below!


What is your design process? 

I usually design solid papers first to get a feel for the palette…make any changes I need, and then I work on patterned papers, or whatever thing pops into my mind. I like to work on one collection at a time but will work on several different packs at the same time.

What is the hardest part of being a designer? 

Designing *grin* Honestly, I’ve been designing in the craft and scrapbooking industry since 1992. YES, I’m THAT old! My son that is 30 years old now, was one year old when my first tole painting book was published. So, the biggest challenge for me is to constantly try to come up with something new. Lol, and then there’s the challenge of only being able to draw cartoons *grin*

Describe your workspace. 

I converted one of the bedrooms in our house to my office – my hubby took over my first office/craft room, and well, I need my own workspace *grin*. I have an L-shaped desk that holds my dual monitor system, plus this nifty 15.5″ tablet that I love drawing on (Thanks to Jen Yurko for recommending it to me!) I have a vintage dresser that I refinished that I’m using as my TV stand (I say vintage, because it was my dresser from when I was a child.) I also have several IKEA cubes with paper scrapping supplies in them (in both offices). My room wouldn’t be complete without my comfy chair…coz well, sometimes a girl needs a nap!

How do you maintain your creativity? 

I really struggle with this. I feel like a dinosaur in the design industry because I’ve been around so long. But I still draw like I’m a kid. Lol, some people never grow up! I do love to see creative use of colors or typography on ads or billboards. Sometimes I’ll see something in home decor or clothing that triggers my creativity. I try to stay true to my own style, while incorporating goodies that I know scrappers love like my background fancies/paints and artsy papers. Those are FUN to create!

What would you say differentiates your designs from others?

Probably my goofy characters. Everything I draw ends up cute & cross-eyed…. I just can’t help it. I’ve tried to draw more real or artsy looking stuff, but it just doesn’t feel as much like me. I CAN draw more realistic when I have to, but it doesn’t come naturally. Silly creatures are my spirit animals 🙂




Fayette’s gallery is SLAM FULL of gorgeous layouts created by creative team members and customers alike! Here is just a teeny sampling of layouts … 


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Don’t miss out on the great deals in her shops this weekend! It all comes to an end at midnight ET on Sunday!

We hope you have a beautiful weekend ♥

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