Are you READY? Register for GDSO TODAY!
We’re counting down the final days of February, and that means that we’ll be kicking off THE GREAT DiGi SCRAP OFF in just a few days! Have you REGISTERED TO PLAY ALONG YET? If not, do it quickly. You must be registered by MARCH 5 to be eligible for all of the prizes!
If you’re still wondering if you want to participate, or why you should sign up, check out the ad below. We have lots of incentives for those who play along! Check out all of the prizes you could win! It’s worth it just for the collab kit and the gift certificate at the end of the month…but we’re offering MORE!
So, is your head swimming with questions about GDSO? If so, click the image below to see a forum post with info, deadlines and what you can expect. Please read through that post. If you still have questions, just post them in the thread and one of us will answer you and update the opening post so that all questions are in the same place.
REGISTER for GDSO before you’re out of time!
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