New Releases, DiGi DUOS & TRiOS Sale GDSO Registration & Last Day!
PiCKLEBERRYPOP has LOTS of digi news for you today, but FiRST, we want to remind you that The Great Digi Scrap Off 3.0 Kicks off TOMORROW – that’s just a few hours away! Click the image below to register so that you’re ready to join us!

Our team has put together a stunning MEGA kit called LiFE iS A DREAM. You’ll earn part of this kit each week when you complete the three weekly challenges on time. Come and join us – you’ll love what we have in store for you!

Now, let’s get on to what you were waiting for. Not only do we have lots of amazing new products for you, but we have a sale on All Digi Duos & Trios Designs! **Here’s a little hint for you – one of our GDSO Challenges next month requires you to use a Digi DUOS or TRiOS Kit, so add one to your stash so you’re ready to SCRAP!** The best deals are the bundles – save 40% or more on them. Save 25% on all single packs!
You’ll find lots of different kinds of love represented in our new releases this week. Be sure to grab your favorites while they’re on sale…..and speaking of sales, be sure to see our ad below in SHOP NEWS so you don’t miss out on our Love is in the Air Sale!

Be sure to check our THiS JUST iN CATEGORY regularly. This is where you’ll find the latest releases between newsletters at PBP!
Tiramisu Design has a special offer for you on her latest collection of templates!

TODAY is your LAST CHANCE to get this gorgeous kit by Bellisae Designs, Chunlin Designs & Studio PIX+ Prints. We’ll automatically add it to your cart for free when you add $12 or more in products to your cart!
Today is also your LAST DAY to submit your layouts for our February PBP Team Challenges!
Have a fabulous week …and be sure to join us tomorrow as we kick off The Great Digi Scrap Off 3.0!
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