Back to School Means BACK TO SCRAPPING!
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, kids have either started the new school year, or they will soon! That means some QUIET TIME during the day for you, and what better way to spend it than scrapping your summer memories!?! Check out this week’s NEW RELEASES, and then get busy getting those pages made. Remember to upload them to our gallery. We’d love to see what you do with our team’s designs! Better yet, check out our PBP Team Challenges and use your new layouts to participate and earn prizes!
PBP has teamed up with Digital Scrapper to offer you a fabulous variety of digital scrapbooking classes! Click the image below to follow our affliate link & check them out! Sign up for one of their classes & work on some new scrapping skills when the kids go back to school!

We hope you have a happy, scrappy week!
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