We thought we’d kick off the New Year in a BiG WAY with BiG SAVINGS for you! So, for one day only, we’re putting select bundles on sale. Save 50% or more on all 75 Bundles that we have in this sale. Yes, I said 75 bundles. HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 So, check your wish lists and grab those that you’ve had your eye on. This is the time to add them to your stash! So….when you’re ready to start 2024 with HUGE SAViNGS, click the image below to head to the shop to DASH FOR THE STASH and enjoy adding some gorgeous collections to your digi stash at amazing prices!
SHOP FAST! Since this is a 24 hour sale, you’ll need to get to the shop quickly! Dash for the Stash deals disappear in just . . .
Beginning this month, we’ll have FREE with Purchase gifts on both the PU and CU sides of the shop.
Get our January Berry Blends Kit, Feeling Frosty, FREE when you spend $12 on PERSONAL USE PRODUCTS! That means that your Dash for the Stash Purchases will help you earn the FWP Kit! This month’s PU FWP Kit was provided by Heartstrings Scrap Art, Just Because Studio and LorieM Designs. Thanks, ladies!
Here’s a look at this month’s CU FREE gift. Get our January 2024 CU FWP Sampler FREE when you spend $12 on COMMERCiAL USE PRODUCTS! We’ll automatically add it to your cart. This pack was created by CarolW Designs, Chunlin Designs, et designs, GS Creations & Simplette. Thanks, ladies!
Challenge Rewards are changing in 2024! Complete ALL Of this month’s challenges, and we’ll send you a GOODiE BAG filled with coupons and freebies from our Design Team! You may also earn separate prizes with some of the challenges, so be sure to read the instructions carefully!
Now, grab your favorite digi goodies then come & play along with this month’s PBP Team Challenges. We’ll provide lots of inspiration & help you create gorgeous layouts while you earn prizes!

We hope that 2024 will be kind and happy for each of you. We pray that more of our designers and scrapping friends will feel peace and security in their lives – there is just too much madness in this world. We also hope that you will enjoy good health and lots of scrapping time in the New Year. So, let’s start it off right by helping you save lots of money while you build your digi stash!
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