Brand New to Add to Your Stash – Plus FWP Offers

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It’s time for another release day here at Pickleberrypop, and our designers do not disappoint! Check out the newest releases below then head to the shop for your favorites! Don’t forget that we have a new Berry Blends kit available FREE with purchase, as well as several designer offers going on right now…and speaking of designer offers, we have a new category in the shop that will help you find our design team’s special deals! Read more about it in our Designer Deals Section!

Stop by our PBP Team Challenge forum this month, to take a look at that if you haven’t already. Complete all the challenges for a FREE Goodie Bag Prize! 

Spend $12 on PERSONAL USE PRODUCTS through September 15 and you’ll get this gorgeous new Berry Blends kit FREE! This kit was created by Elysian StudioKakleidesigns, and Natali Designs. Thanks, ladies!

We have another fabulous CU FREE with Purchase Sampler Pack for you this month that you’ll definitely want to add to your digi stash! Our September 2024 CU FWP Sampler will automatically be added to your cart when you spend $12 on COMMERCiAL USE PRODUCTS through September 15! This pack was created by CarolW Designset designsJen YurkoLorieM Designs and reginafalango. Thanks, ladies!

We’ve created a new set of categories in the shop that will help you find products that are on sale from each of our designers a lot easier! These categories are for special sales & will not be used to show sales on new products. New Releases will always be found at the top of the designers’ shops and in our New Release Categories. So, click the ads below to check out our. . .

The kids are back in school here in the northern hemisphere, so hopefully that means you can sneak in a little more time during the day to SCRAP! Get inspiration & instructions to get lots of layouts done with our September Challenges. Check them out below, then head to the forum to play along. Complete all of the challenges by September 30 at 11:59 PM and you’ll get a GOODiE BAG filled with valuable coupons and prizes from the PBP Team!

DSD is coming soon (October 5th!), so make sure you’re signed up to receive all of our Design Team’s newsletters now so you don’t miss out on any special deals and goodies! Check out our Team Page for all of their sign up links, indicated by the email icons!

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