Check out this week’s new releases at PBP!
It’s that time of the week again! Check out this week’s new releases while they’re on sale! We also have some sweet deals for you this week, so be sure to take a look at the Deals & Offers section below 🙂 Our September PBP Team Challenges are coming to a close soon! If you haven’t scrapped your pages yet, you have about a week to turn them in and earn yourself our September Goodie Bag!
Get inspiration & instructions to get lots of layouts done with our September Challenges. Check them out below, then head to the forum to play along. Complete all of the challenges by September 30 at 11:59 PM and you’ll get a GOODiE BAG filled with valuable coupons and prizes from the PBP Team!

DSD is just around the corner! You’ll want to make sure you receive all of our Design Team’s newsletters beforehand! We have some amazing events planned for DSD, and you won’t want to miss out on any of the deals, plus our designers like to give goodies and announce special deals in their newsletters 😉
Find all of our Design Team’s Subscriber links on our Team Page!
Sign up for the PBP Shop CU & PU Newsletters by clicking the buttons below, or click the Newsletter link in the menu at the top of the page!
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