This Month’s Berry BiG Deals are LIVE NOW! SAVE 60% or MORE on Bundles, and 40% on Single Packs. Bundles are still the best deal, but if you prefer to build your own bundle, you’ll still save a lot! So, check out all of the information below, and then head to the shop to grab those […]
Love is in the air at PBP! Whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day, or not celebrating the day at all, we hope you’ll feel loved by the team here at Pickleberrypop! We really do love and appreciate you, and hope you know that we couldn’t keep doing what we do without you! To help […]
Four words. IT’S SNOWiNG iN UTAH!!! I think Mother Nature forgot that it’s APRiL, although we’ll be thanking her this summer when we have water in the reservoirs 🙂 By now, I’m usually working in my flower gardens, watching the spring flowers blossom & perennials come to life and getting ready to plant annuals next […]
I got to take a short “girls’ trip” for the weekend with my middle daughter and her girls. We went to Southern Utah where it should have been warm and sunny. Lol, it wasn’t. Can I just say that I’m ready for SPRiNG! On the bright side, the snow that we got again on Sunday night […]
PBP’s March Berry BiG Deals are LIVE NOW, and as the headline says, we have a SURPRiSE twist for you this month! We will have a BBD Challenge as part of The Great Digi Scrap Off for Week #4 (those challenges will be available after midnight ET tonight!) One of the challenge requirements is to use designs […]
Hey scrappers! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We hope you’re all wearing green & enjoying this GDSO month at PBP! We didn’t have a Bargain Bin this week, but don’t worry, we have another way to help you save some GREEN (or whatever color your currency is) on the gorgeous digi goodies here at PBP! SAVE 50% on […]
We’re coming up to the last few hours of GDSO Week #2 Challenges. How are you doing with your layouts? If you still have some work to do, don’t panic – you still have a few hours to get your layouts done. If you need some new designs to work with, we have you covered! Click […]
Happy March! Normally this month brings with it the first signs of spring. Here in Northern Utah, we’re still under two feet of snow in our yards. I was so desperate for a sign of spring that I went on a search for any sign the other day. There is about a 4″ strip of soil against […]
PiCKLEBERRYPOP has LOTS of digi news for you today, but FiRST, we want to remind you that The Great Digi Scrap Off 3.0 Kicks off TOMORROW – that’s just a few hours away! Click the image below to register so that you’re ready to join us! Our team has put together a stunning MEGA kit called LiFE […]
Hey PBP Scrappers! It’s FRiDAY, and we’re hitting your inbox today to remind you that it’s your last chance to enjoy the huge discounts on BRAND NEW Digi Collections during our BERRY BiG DEALS Event! Save up to 74% – check each bundle in the shop to see the discount amount. But do it quickly! BBD DiSCOUNTS disappear […]