If you enjoy a good conspiracy, then today is the day for you! It was on this day in 1947 that a UFO supposedly crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. World UFO Day was established in 2001 by the founders of WorldUFODay.com and you can find all kinds of information on their website. In honor of […]
Happy Thursday Scrappers. With the recent pandemic, many of us have experienced lots of changes. For weeks and weeks, it was all that consumed our thoughts, news and everyday conversations. Restrictions are lightening up around the world now, but one thing that hasn’t changed is that many of us are still working from home. Hey…speaking […]
I hope you have been enjoying your week! It’s been gorgeous here in North Alabama, after almost a full week of rain last week, thanks to the tropical depression that blew through here. We’ve entered hurricane season on the Gulf Coast .(O_o). and have already had 3 named storms, which is crazy! NOAA says this […]
Thursday is upon us, and I seriously canNOT fathom where the days go. Wasn’t it just Monday? Wasn’t it just FEBRUARY? Wasn’t it just 2010?! Ok, no, I don’t want it to be 2010. We were living in Arizona at that time. I hated every second of it, except for the “dry heat”. Kudos to […]
Almost every day I’m in the gallery, checking out the latest and greatest pages that our members, designers and creative team members have uploaded to show off and share. I’m in awe every single time. The talent here on our humble little site is just fantastic! Here are 3 galleries that stood out to me […]
May 28th was a pretty momentous day in my life. It’s the day that I became a mother for the first time. My oldest daughter, Jami, was born on Memorial Day here in the US…and yes, it was very memorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAMI! My life has never been the same. This girl kept us on […]
Did you know that today is National MEMO Day? I know…neither did I. In fact, there are many times when I feel like I’ve missed getting a memo that was sent out 😛 But, that doesn’t mean I have a shortage of memos around my computer screen (yes, I love digi sticky notes). I also […]
I’m not going to lie – I was pained over what to post for you today. There are so many good things on our site – and in life, despite COVID – that it was hard to choose what to write about. I finally settled on my three favorite Tips/Tutorials from right here on the […]
Being stuck at home when you are used to traveling can be a big pile of suckage. Thankfully, MANY places are doing virtual tours Visit the Louvre: https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne Sistine Chapel: http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/cappella-sistina/tour-virtuale.html One of my personal favorites, the Guggenheim Museum: https://artsandculture.google.com/streetview/solomon-r-guggenheim-museum-interior-streetview/jAHfbv3JGM2KaQ?hl=en&sv_lng=-73.95897540047744&sv_lat=40.78284373830581&sv_h=295.2494768863341&sv_p=-13.56049818525284&sv_pid=rfLOHTGWrOlcY4J1Oc_UzQ&sv_z=0.2739310462916825 Another favorite, Yosemite National Park: https://www.virtualyosemite.org/about-virtual-yosemite/ Vincent van Gogh Museum: https://360stories.com/amsterdam/oldamsterdam/story/vincent-van-gogh The Great Wall of […]
With non-essentials shut down, a LOT of us are stuck without hair salons, barbershops, and nail salons. Here’s what not to do: Don’t cut your own hair unless you’ve already been doing it for years and are pretty good at it. And for pete’s sake, don’t let your kid cut it for you. Why? Why […]