A Walk in the Sun

A Walk in the Sun

Credits : In The Sun by PrelernayaP Design. Template by Tiramisu designs.
Journaling : 24 April 2016. My last day in Canberra with Anish and Lisa. I am sad to be leaving; it may be 6 months before I see them again. We leave for the airport with the intention of taking a detour to the National Arboretum. What extensive grounds they have! We go for a short walk and climb a hill to admire the views. But I am not very relaxed; an outing on the way to the airport doesn’t really work for me! Still, I come away with a treasure trove of photos and nice memories for the day. 
I love everything about this layout! The photos, the colours, the journalling and the simplicity! Beautifully done!
Beautiful layout.. Love the way that you used the template and your journaling really captures the day.
Pickle Pick
This is so beautifully done!!  Congrats on it being Pickle Picked...well deserved!

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