ADSR4, Challenge #10

ADSR4, Challenge #10

My interview of Jamie that resulted in this page:

1. Home with family or a night out with friends? tends to be the same thing, especially when we're really home in Hawaii. If I had to choose...home with family.
2. Cats or Dogs? Neither. I'm not a big animal-lover -- too much like taking care of kids!
3. Flowers or chocolate? Flowers
4. Scrapbooking or reading? Can't choose a favorite here. I do equal amounts of both and love them both equally.
5. Pizza or icecream? This one's easy. ICE CREAM!!!
6. What's your favorite color? Red

Supplies by Dawn Inskip: kaleidoscope_paper7, hope_paper5, balance_notepaper, balance_flower1, kaleidoscope_redstaple, balance_cluster8, evitangel_flower1, evitangel_frame2

Suppies by Tina Chambers: Favorite Things WA, DSP Speak WA, WordStamps Freebie, FridayFreebie103108-Thoughtful Box

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