April 2020 Random Challenge.jpg
Susan - s3js

April 2020 Random Challenge.jpg

This LO is not about my Mom, but my Aunt Pat who was a terrific Mom and was mother to me on many occasions when my Mom couldn't be there. This is one shelf of one cabinet out of a half dozen ceiling to floor custom cabinets in my Aunt Pat's livingroom alone - every room of the house was loaded with doll and toys displays. Paradise.

I promise there is no blue in this photo. Shadows yes, doll in green bottom left, but no blue.

Wildflower Wishes Kit 1 by PBP Designers
Wildflower Wishes Solids by PBP Designers
Wildflower Wishes Template 1 by Heartstrings Scrap Art
Fonts: Title -Malynda, Journaling -John Lennon, Quote – Santa’s Sleigh Full

My Aunt Pat must have been fun to grow up with.
She loved to play with my cousins. Neighborhood
kids loved to be at her house. She was my Mom
when my own couldn’t be there. She had the coolest house - like a little toy museum full of dolls, toys, figurines, and all kinds of goodies. As an adult I would play dolls with her, dressing them, cleaning new ones.
Booths side by side, we did doll and craft shows together. I’ve always loved dolls, but fell madly
in love with antique dolls and toys. I miss her.

“A doll’s ability to uplift the human spirit can be immeasurable.” - Gayle Wray
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PBP Team Challenges
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Susan - s3js
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Member's Gallery, PBP Collab Layouts,

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File size
199.6 KB
Date taken
Mon, 11 May 2020 6:06 PM
600px x 600px

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