Brookside Library

Brookside Library

Perhaps not a typical Heritage page but this most certainly records the history behind the photo I took to enter to Camera Club it was only well after I took this that I found out what the derelict building had previously been, and that it was due to be restored to its former glory including some of the original books that were still to be found inside the four walls!

Creashens @ Catscrap and Two Little Pixels
Paper, Tape, Tag, Stitching Tamed
Alpha Tamed Alpha Freebie
Staples, Journal Card (recoloured), Frame Before

Journalling reads
after serving the community of Brookside for well over 100 years the Brookside Library was looking a little worse for wear. thankfully there are people in the district who were keen to return it to its former glory! it still held books from its first days serving the community, truly a treasure to keep!
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