can you dance

can you dance

I have a friend, that although her life isn't always easy, she always has a smile on her face and a song in her heart. She delights in all the little miracles that each day brings. I've often asked her what is her secret. Unfortunately, I always look so far ahead to the next things that I too often lose track of the journey. I think this challenge is a wonderful inspiration and a reminder to slow down. I've decided to make myself a brag book with favourite memories and inspirational quotes, to help me not lose sight of the moment so much.

This was taken during our recent camping trip. Dh was playing an Irish song on the guitar, the girls broke into a gig, and Brendan tried singing along. It was perfect :)

~Prince in the City by Lori Davison
~masks by Teresabelle designs, Diamante, and Shelleyrae Cusbert
~wings by Bisontine
~musical notes by Flergs
~fonts, Journal and Body Hunter
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