Collect moments

Collect moments

Created with Collect Beautiful Moments by Heartstrings Scrap Arts, plus a mask from Keep Your Memories grunge Vol 1 by PrelestnayaP Designs.
What a heartfelt, beautiful layout! I'm sorry for your loss, Susan. Your stepfather was such a blessing and a testimony to all the special "steps" out there. Thanks for participating in the challenge..
Awww, now that is one precious in every way photo!! He looks like a man with a very kind and special heart and how blessed you must feel to have had him be a big part of your life! HUGS to you and I'm so sorry for your loss on earth but thankful for the huge gains in your heart he gave to you!
Ohhh Susan, I'm so sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to your stepfather.

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PBP Team Challenges,

Image metadata

stepfather stepdad HSA-CBM-temp1.jpg
File size
3.5 MB
Date taken
Mon, 23 September 2019 8:22 AM
3600px x 3600px

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