Thankful for my family

Thankful for my family

Cute as a button by Lily Designs
Template by Jenn Lindsey

Journaling says:
"I was nothing until I met you, it's like I never lived at all. I never knew what it means to be truly loved, unconditionally, purely,
with all the heart, for better and for worse!
Then our little boy came along and showed us that there is even a greater love, one that makes you forget all about yourself and gives you the will to move the universe, because nothing is more important than seeing your child happy!
I am so honoured and thankful to have you both in my life and I pray that I can find myself again, so that I can show you every single day that you mean the world to me!"
This is very touching, you layout is gentle and loving and matches the journalling so well. Beautiful!

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