New Life Charity Collab Collection

New Life Charity Collab Collection


The whole collab is a special collective work from 38 designers all over the world, in order to help one little girl.
Her name is Anna. She has a terrible disease (cancer, neuroblastoma).
To live, Anna needs to continue a very expansive treatment.
As any child, Anna deserves a normal childhood.
By contributing, you will directly contribute to help her staying alive. With YOUR help she can hope having a normal life.
Each sale counts - all proceeds of this collab will go to Anna's treatment, any shop takes no commission from it.
Your purchase will help to provide a "New Life" for Anna Storchak
Thank you for your help, thank you for HER.

Here you can buy this collab or part of it:

Fri March 22, 2013 11:51pm
Stunning page as always!!! Love it!!! Fri March 22, 2013 11:51pm
Stunning page as always!!! Love it!!!
Stunning page as always! Love it!
those flowers are soooo beautiful. Love their colors and you beautifully clustered them. Love how you focused on that adorable photo too

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