Galveston Island

Galveston Island

Kit: Remember This by PrelestnayaP Design
Font: Wolf in the City Light, Aaargh

Journaling: My favorite vacation, probably because it came at such a desperate time, was when Beth and I spent 5 nights in Galveston. Just us. No kids or husbands. No schedules. No work. It was so refreshing to not have any responsibilities and to have the freedom to eat and sleep when we wanted. During one of the days there, we happened upon this section of the beach where there are hundreds of rock sculptures. It was beautiful and so touching that people would take the time to create something just to have it wash away during the next storm. (Jan. 2012)
WOW! Bekki, this is so beautiful photo. I love big photos and your colors are totally fantastic!Thank you very much for your page.
Amazing view and I love the little sculptures! WOW! 5 nights with no husband, children,work etc... How I wish!!! LOL

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