Summer days

Summer days

This is the kit that I won in Jills Create A Custom Kit contest - she worked with me, listened to my ideas and made what I really needed! Even though I have several CBJ kits, Walk With Me will always be special. Perfect for nature lovers!
Journaling: Ahh, summer vacation. The luxury of not having to get up in the morning (I still do, because I am a morning person) Anyway, doing nothing is ok for the first week, then the days start to get a little long and you begin to get stir crazy - but just a little. This can usually be fixed by visiting places nearby and practically living at the pool. Then in another week the full fledged stir crazy sets in and random road trips are the order of the day.This was one of those days. I just couldn’t stand it anymore, so I walked in the front door and said - “Let’s go on a road trip - now!” So, we drove out to Castroville, stopped at the local park, looked around a bit, went to get some dried sausage and stopped at another park on the way back home. These pictures were taken at the Medina River at Castroville City Park. The park that we visited on the way home is Paradise Cove and it looks like a great place for day trips as soon as the river goes down and the summer days get longer.
Credits: Walk With Me from Created By Jill

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*In Memory of Jill Walls
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