Janice Phillips


PBP Mojo Challenge Sept 2 - Featured Designer - Mel Designs. Papers: Beyond the Beach - Mel Designs. Elements: Eveildeprintemps - Mel Designs. Font: Darlston.
Wow, Janice - this is exquisite!!!  I adore all those paper strips, and the way you've placed the cluster over the frame.  I'm also intrigued by the farm machinery on the background paper.  I can't tell if it's part of the paper or if it's really brilliant blending.  Whichever it is, the overall effect is breathtaking.  Well done you!!!
love all the strips - based on previous cpmments you belded photo - cant see it perhasp due to bad liighting
still it s a fabulous lo
Thanks for joining the Featured Designer Challenge for this month
Thanks everyone. In my Scrapping software, Artisan5, there is a feature called show edges, which turns your photo into a sketch-like drawing. That is what I have done to the background photo.

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