This Moment Right Here

This Moment Right Here

This photo of me and my youngest son, Stephen, was taken last April, 2017. Yesterday, I helped Stephen move into his Freshman college dorm room. This afternoon, as I was home doing the dishes, it hit me like a ton of bricks. My baby is gone, and motherhood - my purpose for the last 21 years - has changed. I stood at the sink and felt tears falling down my cheeks. I felt so lost at that moment, and I found myself missing my son terribly. I know that he is safe, I know that he is beginning a wonderful adventure at college, and I will soon adjust and find new purpose, but right now - I miss my baby. Journaling, August 15, 2018
Tiramisu: Summer Cocktail
Wonderful photos and journaling!  This is one fantastic LO! 
Beautiful layout and your journaling is very touching. I know exactly how you were feeling and I am sure that a lot of other mothers have had those very same feelings. Well done.

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