Baby Spa Day

Baby Spa Day

I just found this site and it renewed my desire to do a bit of traditional scrapping. And I have a new granddaughter, so I have a subject! Covid has kept us apart. Her daddy is an ICU nurse in a Covid ward, so he is very cautious being around us. One day....
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Reactions: LorieM and jenyurko
Glad you joined us and I love this layout. the picture of your grand daughter and she is precious
Ohhh goodness, how adorable is this little the title and clean look to it all!
Thanks everyone. Much of my scrapping is watercolory or grungy and I rarely do this style anymore. But I felt it was fitting for Miss Juniper.
very cute page and adorable photo you used, love the matched photo colors to the kit. :)

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Tootsie Dae Dae
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LorieM Designs, Jen Yurko,

Image metadata

spa day web layout copy.jpg
File size
424 KB
Date taken
Fri, 03 July 2020 1:53 PM
600px x 600px

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