Studio Pix:
Layout Templates Kit 2 (elements) Layout Templates Kit (elements) January's Magic Collection
Fonts: Pea Kari (my handwriting!) and 21500e Regular
I wish so many things and have so many hopes and dreams for you in this New Year. But my dreams for you aren't the TANGIBLE things. That means things you can touch, see, hold in your hand. Like I don't wish for you to continue to get straight A's. Or I don't wish for you to score the most baskets on your basketball team or be an amazing violinist. I don't wish that you get along with your siblings every day or that you learn to lower your voice in the house. (You all surely do know how to project that voice!) I don't wish for you, Asia to become a less messy eater or all of you to remember to brush your hair before school. And I certainly do not wish you would pick your clothes up off the floor and put them in the hamper where they belong. I don't want you to be anything less then you.
I wish none of those things. Instead, my hopes for you this year include things that are INTANGIBLE. These are things that cannot be touched, that have no physical presence. (Betchya didn't know you would learn two new words in this letter, did ya?
) I hope you remain the thoughtful, caring souls that you are. I hope you continue down this path of goodness and truth. I hope you continue to care for the less fortunate, that you continue to want to help in any ways you can think of. You have come up with and contributed to so many things already & help by ;donating old toys to Goodwill donations, making meals for the hungry, collecting gloves with your classes at school for kids in need and giving part of your allowances to help mommy with bills when she needed it badly.. I hope you continue to feel intense joy and love in your heart at the most ordinary of times, like when our family is standing in our kitchen together and you call for a family hug; But most of all, I wish for you to just stay YOU. Because YOU are everything and YOU are amazing.
Love you my darling Monsters.... May your new year be stellar. You deserve it.