holiday monster cookies
Judy your recipe looks like one I could make with my 2 year old grandson. He is all octopus hands at the moment trying to have him help me cook but I think he would enjoy adding these ingredients into the bowl. I am not sure what Peppermint Puffs are or if we have them in Australia but I will google them. If not I am sure there will be a substitute. Love your little gingerbread people, cluster and your photos - what a gorgeous gift these make. Thank you for participating in the challenge!
Judy your recipe looks like one I could make with my 2 year old grandson. He is all octopus hands at the moment trying to have him help me cook but I think he would enjoy adding these ingredients into the bowl. I am not sure what Peppermint Puffs are or if we have them in Australia but I will google them. If not I am sure there will be a substitute. Love your little gingerbread people, cluster and your photos - what a gorgeous gift these make. Thank you for participating in the challenge!
peppermint puffs are little chunks of candy cane but they are puffed with air and they melt in your mouth. The brand name we have here in the US is Bobs. But i'm sure you could crush regular candy canes as well. I have been baking cookies with my daughter since she was 2yo so I understand the many hands, now we bake together with my DGS and DGD so we have twice the fun. Merry Christmas

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