What a beautiful layout. I understand your blurring of the journaling, I am sure many of use can fill in with similar thoughts. the Quotes are perfect, I especially like the Poe one. Your cluster is just gorgeous!
I agree, beautiful layout and how wonderful to have journaling to look back on to see what all was going on and your feelings! Thank you for joining in on the challenge!
Thank you, Mary Lynne and Glori, for your comments. I have always struggled with sharing my thoughts or emotions in my scrapbook pages. I have oftentimes look at my old albums and want to take a black marker to mark out my words, lol. Again, thank you!
Karen, sometimes I think journaling is more for those we leave behind. I'm sure the girls will appreciate reading your thoughts and feelings. In a few years, you might even enjoy re-reading how you were feeling at this time in your life! Such a lovely page to document this moment in time. :inlove:
Great LO... I do understand wanting to keep your thoughts private. Hope you kept a copy with the journaling unblurred for your own records.
Love the large date title, your gorgeous cluster and the amount of journaling you have done. It is so important to journal these moments of our life, for us to look back on when times and feelings are different, and too, for the generations to come. It is extremely intimate, moving and emotional to be able to read the thoughts and feel the feelings of our ancestors.

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