Susan - s3js


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Peace Within (Lolly Bag) By Heartstrings Scrap Art
Font: Modern Talking
Photo by Free-Photos at Pixabay
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I'm not really very good at clusters so I try to stay pretty true to the template. This template comes with the Lolly bag.
Please note: The color on the papers is achieved by applying the dark blue kit paper over various other kit papers and playing with the blending modes. I stretched the mask in Template 1 and deleted the second picture. Photo effects include poster edges and craquelure texture.
WOW Susan, this is AMAZING!!! Fantastic blending and use of textures. And I absolutely LOVE the effect of the torn papers on the skyline. I was going to pickle pick this, but I see Rae already has :)
WOW Susan, this is AMAZING!!! Fantastic blending and use of textures. And I absolutely LOVE the effect of the torn papers on the skyline. I was going to pickle pick this, but I see Rae already has :)
Thank you, Anne! Once I caught the hang of it, it was a joy!
What a gorgeous page - the torn papers turn out wonderfully. The chosen kit is perfect for the photo. I love the blending and the highlight part of it. Very clever to "hide" the number in the text. Thank you so much for taking part in my challenge.
What a gorgeous page - the torn papers turn out wonderfully. The chosen kit is perfect for the photo. I love the blending and the highlight part of it. Very clever to "hide" the number in the text. Thank you so much for taking part in my challenge.
Thank you so much, Gina!
Susan, this is absolutely stunning. I love your blended papers and your clusters are fantastic. The photo is perfect for your chosen kit and your torn papers look great. Well deserved PBP Pick.

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PBP Team Challenges
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Susan - s3js
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