Time To Remember

Time To Remember

NEW collection Remember Me by Indigo Designs by Anna 71% OFF
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Oh dear, this brings to my heart your beloved, Vera!! What a kind heart she had...is this her??
Thank you!

I'm sorry, but my grandmother doesn't really like it when I post her photos on the Internet and she always asks to replace them with any others. I really drew the page for her, this is a small part from the album of memories for her, but for the gallery I had to use the stock photo.

@sylvia @Scrapdolly thank you for your kind words!
Thank you!

I'm sorry, but my grandmother doesn't really like it when I post her photos on the Internet and she always asks to replace them with any others. I really drew the page for her, this is a small part from the album of memories for her, but for the gallery I had to use the stock photo.

@sylvia @Scrapdolly thank you for your kind words!
I didn't think it was her but it felt like it was for her. Thank you for letting me know the story behind this layout! <3

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Indigo Designs
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183.5 KB
600px x 600px

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