September 2021 Mystery Box

September 2021 Mystery Box

I have a beautiful black cat, so I wanted to have that as my theme.
Thank you, I really appreciate your comments. I really appreciate them.

Its good to know there is another black cat owner. I’ll have to create a page with her so you can see she’s a funny looking cat. :D

@Mother Bear @sylvia

I'm looking forward to it and I'm curious - black cats are not easy to photograph and my "cat girl" doesn't like it
I'm looking forward to it and I'm curious - black cats are not easy to photograph and my "cat girl" doesn't like it
I know, right! I have a lot of fluffy black shapes. When she is on her back I can see her as she has a bare belly, which adds to her funny look. I got one when she was asleep so I know I got one. She actually likes her photo taken to the point I just pretend or I’ll have a TB of barely seen cat photos. Lol.

So for your girl I recommend getting her when she is asleep somewhere light. Just carry your phone or camera all the time. Lol.

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