Helping Pop
Ohhhh isn't that just adorable!!! And everything looks so green and lush. I love that the photos are taken with the subjects getting further and further away. The sheep watching them is a lovely feature too - as well as the journaling. I bet your grandson adores coming to visit you! Pickle Picked.
Ohhhh isn't that just adorable!!! And everything looks so green and lush. I love that the photos are taken with the subjects getting further and further away. The sheep watching them is a lovely feature too - as well as the journaling. I bet your grandson adores coming to visit you! Pickle Picked.
Thank you so much for the Pickle Pick Anne. Everything here is beautifully green and thriving but it won't be long and I Summer will kick in and the green will change to browns very quickly. Our little grandson arrives at 6 in the morning and leaves around 4.30 in the afternoon 4 days a week. He is an absolute joy and for the 3 days we don't have him we get so much done around the place but miss him too. The constant chatter and 'help' keeps us young and entertained.

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Berry Princess CT Layouts, Jen Yurko, PBP Team Challenges,

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