

A unique way to do a cheers at a wedding ceremony...I was one that chose juice! Another great template from Heartstrings Scrap Art and kit collection called "Back In Time" to get more photos scrapped!
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Reactions: jenyurko
beautiful layout - is unity ceremony the same as wedding??
@Beth , I do not know the answer to that...I was very disheartened by nothing Biblical in the speech but I understand that the person doing the ceremony is a christian. So does that make it a real wedding or not so much??!! I don't think just wearing wedding attire makes it real...or does it??
@Beth , I do not know the answer to that...I was very disheartened by nothing Biblical in the speech but I understand that the person doing the ceremony is a christian. So does that make it a real wedding or not so much??!! I don't think just wearing wedding attire makes it real...or does it??
I think what makes it a wedding is how the bride and groom feel about it. I've just never heard of the expression "unity ceremony". So much terminology has changed these days. I hold no judgement, just curious if the "unity ceremony" was a separate ceremony from the wedding. :)
I think what makes it a wedding is how the bride and groom feel about it. I've just never heard of the expression "unity ceremony". So much terminology has changed these days. I hold no judgement, just curious if the "unity ceremony" was a separate ceremony from the wedding. :)
@Beth ...I'm trying to hold judgement as well! lol I think this part of the wedding is where some people do colored sand and pour in a container together. So for me it's that part of the whole within it all.

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Heartstrings Scrap Art
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Member's Gallery, Berry Princess CT Layouts, Berry BiG Deal Layouts,

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242.7 KB
600px x 600px

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