

A QUIET WEDDING - Last Monday evening, Sept. 23rd, Mr. M. U. Sessler and Miss Minnie Wright, both of this city, were united in marriage by Rev. W. V. Burns at the residence of the pastor. The many friends of the young couple have been anticipating this union for some time but were surprised considerably by the quiet way in which they were finally made one. In order to avoid ostentation or display of any kind they went to the home of Rev. Burns accompanied by only one or two friends and the ceremony was performed which blends their live and future hopes.

Mr. Sessler has lived in Pratt many years and is the youngest son of Jacob Sessler, proprietor of one of Pratt’s largest livery and feed stables. The bride has for many years made her home with Mr. and Mrs. A. Briggs until she seems to them almost as a daughter and is admired by all who know her for her many noble characteristics.

They will go to housekeeping at once in the residence property just north of the Catholic church on Oak Street and the REPUBLICAN wishes them many years of happiness and prosperity.

Template: Flower Power (retired) by Heartstrings Scrap Art
Kit: Back in Time: BBD Bundle by Heartstrings Scrap Art
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