our year 2022
Wonderful job on the challenge and as sad as March was it looks like you have several things to look forward to.
Tanja I really like the way you have composed your page with the division in the middle, very striking. The system changeover must be so frustrating and I hope it is sorted soon. Your poor dog, so glad he was ok but it must have been very worrying at the time.

My DD in Prague is also very moved and upset for the refugees and it is particularly upsetting seeing the mothers with their children. It really is unimaginable the pain and suffering they are enduring. Congrats on your 20th Wedding Anniversary and the concerts are something to really look forward too. We travelled through the Bavarian Forest and it was so beautiful - enjoy your holiday. Thank you for participating in the challenge.
Gorgeous page - love the idea with the book and the little clusters. Have fun on your concerts and yes - I know both - Die Toten Hosen and Alvaro Soler. And congrats on your 20th Wedding Anniversary.

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