I need to get a better photo of my new hair cut - it looks terrible in this one - so just pretend my hair looks really good here
Kit - Anita Stergiou (Floriade Collection),
Template - Anita Stergiou (sketch*PLATE 03)
I first started growing my hair out after Dave and I got engaged and I decided early on that after the wedding I would cut it short again and donate my hair to Locks of Love. However, each hair appointment after the wedding I found myself making excuses why I shouldnt cut it - it wasnt quite long enough, I wanted to wait until summer, there was a wedding or some other reason not to cut it just yet. The truth was, as much as my long hair annoyed me and despite it being a huge pain to take care of - Id gotten used to it and I was scared to chop it off. On May 24th - 8 months after the wedding I worked up the nerve to finally let her make the cut. I ended up donating over a foot of hair to a really great cause and you know what? As pretty as it was long - I dont miss an inch of it.