Little things make me happy
Scrap by Irre

Little things make me happy

For the "I spy" challenge

I spy
- something wet from the outside, so you need the right clothes or protection, or really just stay inside.
- three things with wings, but not all of them got feathers
- something that makes you know if you are late or in time
- something that shines bright during the day
- something that clears up all the things that are blurry
- something that you can get wiser from, or maybe travel to another world with
- something that you can capture silly and fun things, or maybe something beautiful
- someone that makes the moves in a graceful way
- something that brights up the dark nights and maybe there's a boy living there
- something that kings and queens wear
Credit Links
Natali Designs: Under my umbrella, Simply, Dream
DitaB Designs: First swallow
Fayette Designs: The real you sophisticated faces
Jasmin-Olya Designs: Wonderful childhood vol 4
Natali Design & Regina Falango: Love this photo
PBP Collab: Shining star
Tiramisu Designs: Positive vibes
Et Designs: Femininity
So creative Irre and all the items are well tucked away making it a truly I Spy page. Love all your I Spy descriptions too....sounds like you play with your kids alot!
So creative Irre and all the items are well tucked away making it a truly I Spy page. Love all your I Spy descriptions too....sounds like you play with your kids alot!
Thank you! Actually, I don't play it very often. But, I got a great fantasy and creative mind :)
fantastic and creative photoless page
What a delightful I Spy page - creative, chic, and cahllanging. I just love it!
Thank you! :)

Media information

PBP Team Challenges
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Scrap by Irre
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Image metadata

54 - I spy.jpg
File size
1.6 MB
Date taken
Tue, 03 May 2022 6:22 PM
3599px x 3600px

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